
I can remember our first computer. It was a Macintosh LC 575. I played games on it from a series of installed floppy disks. I also remember our second computer, a PC. It was a portal to my own Narnia.

On that PC I discovered the world of online message boards. One day a member of the boards had a great idea for us to collectively write a story a few sentences at a time per post. The story probably wasn’t very good but it was fun and a core group of us so enjoyed the experience we did another story- and it got a little better. It didn’t take long before we branched off and evolved ourselves into a story making legend on the boards. From mere short sentences our hobby progressed to multiple paragraphs, our characters grew, and we wove plots that took months of our time and years within the pages. Long into the night I would stay up writing and creating as the world we had developed for ourselves grew more real and more perilous and the stakes became higher.

Inspired and even a bit addicted to the stories going through my head, I decided to start writing my own; and write I did. I wrote for the love of it and wrote for myself not caring if I was long winded (I still tend to be guilty of that) or wrote things that an editor would deem unnecessary. Of the hundreds of pages that I have written in those years I suspect most have never been seen outside of my own eyes and to me they are like my literary childhood.  And just like any story of great awakening, since those days, I have never stopped writing because the stories have never stopped coming to me.

I tend to post only a few times per month opting for quality over quantity and on this blog you will get an insight into my mind, the experiences from which I draw upon and some pieces a bit more academic from my love of the Classics. Stories are everywhere and are in everyone- but can you find them?


Born in Portage-la-Prairie, Manitoba, raised in Truro, Nova Scotia and having lived all over the world, Stephanie Matthews has developed a unique writing style that can range from intense to comical, prose and poem. In 2013 she was a top 100 finalist of the Canadian Writer’s Guild short story contest. Having been a presenter at the Atlantic History and Classics Conference in 2008, and the winner of the AIPAC essay contest in 2009, she has proven her academic writing and continues to nurture her love of both the writing of Classical history and the creative literary arts.

6 thoughts on “About

  1. I have nominated you for the Sunshine Award as an inspirational blogger. Click the link to accept the nomination and follow the rules to nominate those blogs/bloggers that have inspired you ! theleatherlibraryblog.com/2014/01/09/sunshine-award/

    • I liked what I saw from your photography, a bit of the Irish soul I saw, so from you too I look forward to seeing more! It’s a place I’d love to visit myself but until then perhaps I will live variously through what your camera will catch 🙂 Thank you very much for the follow as well!!

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